I am so grateful for my experiences at Trails and for the fact your organization exists. I think it is so wonderful to have a place where the main focus is making youth feel loved, safe, and valued by the many facilitators, and staff. And in that same vision helping staff build the tools they need to be effective and help the youth.
I am currently teaching kindergarten, where some of my students have experienced developmental trauma. I was consulting with the school social worker for how to create a trauma based plan for my one student. Many of the things she was saying reminded me of all of the methods used at Trails (albeit with much younger students), but along the lines of being there for them and helping them or co-regulating instead of punishing or rewarding them, using groundings, etc.
I whole-heartedly believe in Trails despite having transitioned to a new world. I owe so much to Trails, and love the participants and staff I worked with so much.
I am hoping in my own way to continue spreading the spark of Trails.