Trails gave me a lot of firsts. My first international flight out of the country to Wales. My first expedition on horseback. My first mentor, who still remains very dear to me. Most importantly, my first time being able to speak about what life was like back home without judgment. Our group session talks made me face my innermost feelings that had been buried for so long. This was by far one of the most integral parts of my healing process. It allowed me to not be afraid or ashamed of my past but empowered and inspired by it. I dreamt bigger because of Trails. My goal was always to pursue post-secondary school, but this seemed unattainable given my family’s finances. Trails saw this and found a way for me to see this dream come true. They found amazing people that could provide bursaries and I was able to attend the University of Toronto. This not only gave me an overwhelming sense of security but the feeling that someone apart from my family loved me enough to see the best in me. For this I am forever grateful.