

Trails offered me options for Menelik and gave me hope at a time when trying to understand Menelik and address his needs was challenging. As a parent, I felt such understanding, caring, support and a belief that Menelik would have an invested group of people to support him as he was trying to navigate his own difficult times in understanding the many facets of who he was and who he wanted to be.

Menelik was challenged by his share of adversity with some experiences with participants over the years, but I can say that he also learned how to confront and address adversity with effective and positive strategies. Thank you to everyone who has cared for him and has supported him in the ability to look at himself and be able to determine his own strengths. I felt that in the four years that he has been there, he has had the opportunity to have his eyes open to a whole new world that would have been inaccessible to him if not for Trails. For him to know that Trails will always be a support and resource provides him and our family with comfort.