Ways to Support


Give the Gift of Impact

Donations from individuals, foundations and corporations add up to make a big difference for the kids at Trails.

  • Year-round access to support
  • Over 100 home-cooked meals
  • Training in First Aid, CPR, Nonviolent communication, Outdoor Leadership
  • 40 hours of community service
  • Conflict resolution and non-violent communication training
  • Educational support to obtain secondary school credits
  • Access to Trails Bursary for post-secondary education
Donate Today

We make every donation count

Trails has been changing lives since 1992. With your support, we can continue to empower vulnerable youth to succeed and become contributing members of the community.

We hope you will consider investing in Trails to help our kids succeed, pay it forward and lead by example, so that they, as well as those they inspire, will have a chance at a successful and meaningful future.

Other Ways To Support

Donation Icon

Personal Donations

Support Trails with a one-time gift, or choose to give monthly or annually. You can also make a donation in honour of a special occasion or in memory of a loved one. An e-card is available on the donations page.

Donor Advised Funds

Donor Advised Funds

A Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) is a flexible and tax-efficient way to support the causes you care about. By contributing to a DAF, you can make a charitable donation while receiving an immediate tax benefit. The funds are then granted to your chosen charities, including Trails, based on your recommendations.

Legacy Icon

Legacy Giving

Making a gift to Trails in your will ensures that the values you uphold will continue to shape the lives of those who come after you. You will have a lasting legacy of making a difference in our community. This type of giving can also provide important tax benefits for your family.

Please let us know if you’ve already named Trails as a beneficiary in your will. We’d like to thank you for your extraordinary generosity.

Host Your Own Event Icon

Host Your Own Event

Hosting your own event to raise funds for Trails is a fun way to get YOUR community involved while making a huge difference in the lives of vulnerable youth. Community Events are initiatives that are created, managed and run by various businesses, individuals, groups and service clubs for the benefit of Trails.

Turn your next event into a fundraiser for Trails! Read on to learn more.

Stocks Icon

Donate Stocks and Securities

Donations of publicly listed stocks, shares or securities are an efficient and cost-effective way to help Trails support vulnerable youth.


  1. Click to complete the Trails Securities Form to donate through our Canada Helps account.
  2. OR, you can contact your broker to initiate the transfer of shares. Download and complete the Charitable Donation of Securities in Kind transfer form and send the transfer form to leslie@trails.ca

What Your Gift Will Provide

  • Four seasons of experiential outdoor learning
  • Hiking and canoe trips in Ontario’s backcountry
  • A “home away from home” in our cabins
  • Field trips and camping experiences
  • Mentorship and networking opportunities
  • Internship and job opportunities
  • In-depth leadership development
  • Leader In Training program
  • Financial support for unique one-off situations
  • Season-appropriate clothing and equipment for all activities

The Need For Support

We cannot do this work without the generous support of our financial partners. In 2017, Trails began the ambitious work to double the number of vulnerable youth served, thus doubling the impact. By 2026, expansion will be complete with 176 kids enrolled in the Four Seasons, Four Years, For Life program and countless others supported through bursaries, mentorship and Career Connections. Read the most recent Impact Report or Case for Support to learn more and join us on this journey to make a difference, and to change lives.

Your Gift - Your Impact

How Our Funds Are Spent


  • 2023: $1,566,548

  • 7%
  • 18%
  • 3%
  • 29%
  • 16%
  • 15%
  • 13%


  • Individuals
  • Investments
  • Rentals & Site Usage
  • Foundations
  • Corporations
  • Fundraising & Events
  • Board of Governors

Reserves Fund:

In 2016, we began the process to double the size of our program and created the Vision Fund. The 2023 audited financial statements list the Funds unrealized gain of $579,111 (not included in the revenue total above), resulting in a surplus of revenues over expenses of $341,816. Our Investment Committee continues to work with our professional money managers to monitor the continued positive performance which has delivered an annualized rate of return of 6.7% since inception. The Vision Fund allows us to make promises to our families and keep them.

View Financial Reports


  • 2023: $1,803,843

  • 5%
  • 10%
  • 8%
  • 8%
  • 54%
  • 13%
  • 2%


  • Facilities
  • Bursaries
  • Food & Transportation
  • Administration
  • Program
  • Fundraising
  • Investment Management

View Financial Reports